Foucaultsches Pendel

Foucaultsches Pendel von Norbert LippSteirische Landesausstellung "energie" 2001
Dem französischen Physiker Jean Bernard Léon Foucault (1819-1868) gelang es, die Drehung der Erde um ihre Achse experimentell nachzuweisen. Zu Beginn des Jahres 1851 baute er...

Graz Marathon 2018

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  • benefizkonzert rostropovich

    Benefizkonzert Rostropovich & Friends im BASF Feierabendhaus, Ludwigshafen, Deutschland
  • eintacuhen abtanzen sehrklein

    Künstler und Musiker Werner Puntigam, DJ Erdem Tunakan und Herbert Gollini
  • foucaultsches pendel klein

    Das Foucaultsche Pendel von St. Ruprecht/Raab ist weltweit das erste Pendel, welches nicht in einem geschlossenen Gebäude installiert wurde.
  • quick linn felton

    Performance and workshop session with "Quick" Lin Felton, USA and young people of Styria, Austria, conducted by Norbert Lipp.
  • zapp

    A Production of Grand Theatre Groningen, Zapp Snacks Group, NL and the municipality of Fürstenfeld, Austria conducted by Norbert Lipp.

ZAPP Snacks

A Production of Grand Theatre Groningen, Zapp Snacks Group, NL and the municipality of Fürstenfeld, Austria conducted by Norbert Lipp.

ZAPP SNACKS: Clip-Theatre, Fast, Short and Heavy.

  • Fast: There is so much on different positions going on, that you cannot see all.
    You really have to zapp (tune in) with your head.
  • Short: The longest Zapp snacks was about 15 minutes & the shortest one was about 7.30 minutes.
  • Heavy: Of course of all the different images.
    Everytime we put so many things in it that it seems impossible to do it.

Theme: Avalanche
underground car park Fürstenfeld

The Show is only once, it was never before, and it will never be again.
All of the groups make their own "avalanche".

Grand Theatre Groningen, Zapp Snacks Group, Netherlands:

  • Sjoerd Wagenaar, Art Director
  • André© Pronk, Art Director
  • Isabelle Jenichers, Live Video
  • Dotty Molum, Costumes
  • RAT, Noise-maker
  • Lody, DJ
  • Dicky, Breakdancers
  • Mette / Sys, Choreography
  • Charlotte de Braun, Technik
  • Jacqueline Zwiggelaar, Technik
  • Martin Lambeck, Technik
  • Eugenie Produciton, Manager


Group of people, Austria:

Hornplayers, Drummers, Little Dancers, Scooter, Scaters, Actors, Breakdancers, Stock Car Drivers, DJ´S

Total about 100 people